I’m new to QR Codes!

Frequently Asked Questions

A QR code works like a barcode, once scanned it reveals a whole bunch of information and allows to display text, a web page, a phone number... Your smartphone probably integrates a QR code reader.
QR codes (Quick Response codes) were invented in Japan in 1994 by Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota, to quickly and efficiently track the production of spare parts in the brand\’s plants. QR codes were designed to be faster and more efficient than traditional barcodes, storing more information in a smaller space.
QR codes quickly gained popularity in the 2000s. First adopted by Japanese mobile operators to allow users to download multimedia content to their cell phones, they were later adopted in all regions of the world. Over the years, they were used in print media, such as newspapers and magazines, to allow readers to quickly access online content. Then they evolved to include new features, such as the ability to make mobile payments and store personal information, such as contact details.
Until today, when they are used in a wide variety of contexts, such as advertising, museums, events, restaurants, public transport, etc.
They are an extremely efficient and convenient way to store and transmit information.
QR codes are the most efficient and convenient way to store and transmit information. For an individual, a retailer, a brand, it is an excellent tool to connect the real world and the digital world. Whether it’s to promote your business, to facilitate registration to one of your events, to share files or to improve your personal branding... there is a QR code adapted to your needs !
Learn more
We offer a wide range of dynamic QR codes. This means that you can change their content at any time without having to reprint them each time ! With our application, you can create an infinite number of QR codes to meet all your needs. Start with a template, customize it to your liking and then track its performance with detailed statistics.
Yes, you can! Simply create a free account or use our configurator on the homepage. No credit card required !
When your trial period expires, you still have access to your account, all your data and progress is saved and accessible. Your QR codes created during the free trial period will be deactivated and redirected to a maintenance page. If you upgrade your account, you will be able to reactivate your dynamic QR codes and use them beyond your trial period.
No, your account is not automatically upgraded to a package once your trial is over. If you decide that our pro plan is not what you want, just let the trial period expire, you don’t have to do anything.
If you created dynamic QR codes during your free trial period, they will be deactivated (and will no longer work) at the end of the trial. If you want your QR codes to remain active beyond your trial period, you must upgrade your account.
If you wish to reactivate a specific QR code, you must upgrade the account that was used to create the code. To upgrade, you must log in and then go to your account > billing and click on the button to uppgrade. <br> It is not possible to reactivate a QR code by creating and upgrading a new account. It is also not possible to reactivate a QR code by creating a new code with the same content. <br> If you are unsure which email address and account correspond to your deactivated QR code, please provide us with the simplified URL of the QR code and we will do our best to help you.
Yes, you can use your QR codes for commercial purposes during the free trial period. If you wish to continue using your codes beyond the trial period, please uppgrade to our pro plan.
Our pro plan lasts 12 months, renewable according to your wishes.
Depending on your country, we accept payments by credit card (MasterCard, Visa or American Express), Google Pay and Apple Pay.
As soon as your payment is validated, your premium subscription starts. Log in to your account and start making QR codes!
If you do not wish to renew your subscription, you can easily terminate it from your user area by clicking on a button. The notice period is always 30 days before the end of the billing period. <br> You can also contact our support, they’ll guide you.
Yes, you can use your QR codes for commercial purposes during the free trial period. If you wish to continue using your codes beyond the trial period, please uppgrade to our pro plan.

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